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Team Spotlight: Meet Maggie!

The Law Office of Katherine Kim, PLLC welcomed administrative assistant-extraordinaire, Maggie, to the team back in October and we’re pleased to feature a spotlight so our clients can put the face to the voice over the phone!

Q: Before working at The Law Office of Katherine Kim, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

A: While I was in college, I worked as a food sample demonstrator at Kroger, Tom Thumb and other grocery stores. It was an interesting way to pass an afternoon, and I got to sample the samples -- some of them were pretty tasty.

Q: What made you want to get into the legal field?

A: There is no aspect of life that isn’t touched or influenced by the law. Helping people navigate the legal system is rewarding and necessary work, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to assist them and to learn more about the field.

Q: What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

A: I was an orchestra nerd in high school -- for seven years I played the cello, and one of these days I plan to pick it back up again.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

A: I love taking my dog to different parks and trails in Fort Worth for long walks, catching up on the latest movies and TV, reading (books, magazines, the news -- anything), playing video games, baking, and over the course of the pandemic I’ve taken up embroidery (to varying degrees of success).

Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: “However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.” Director Stanley Kubrick, 1968.

Q: What’s one thing (either industry-related or not) you learned in the last month?

A: Not industry-related: If you put a platypus under a blacklight, its fur will glow blue-green because of something called “biofluorescence.” Scientists aren’t yet sure what purpose this serves for the platypus, but it’s neat to look at.

Q: What’s your favorite book or movie?

A: It’s difficult to choose, especially a movie; I’m a huge film buff. The Shining by Stephen King is among my favorite books, and Waiting for Guffman -- a comedy about the residents of a small town who put on a musical to celebrate the town’s 150th anniversary -- will always be one of my favorite movies.

Q: Where would you like to travel to?

A: Outside of the U.S., I would love to see Ireland, Sweden and Japan; inside the U.S., I’d like to visit Maine and Montana.

Q: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

A: Washington, specifically Seattle and the surrounding area. It’s absolutely gorgeous between the forests, the mountains and Puget Sound, with excellent restaurants and no shortage of fun things to do.